8 Myths About Periods: Let's Set the Record Straight!

Periods are a natural part of life for many women and girls, yet there are still many misconceptions surrounding them. Let's debunk some common myths and embrace the reality of menstruation.

Myth 1: We're always on that time of the month

One of the most common myths about periods is that women are always menstruating. But the truth is, a woman's menstrual cycle typically lasts between 28 to 35 days, and she only menstruates for a few days each month. So no, we're not always on our period!

Myth 2: The pain of a period is just like anything you've experienced

Many people believe that period pain is just like any other type of pain, but the reality is that menstrual cramps can be incredibly intense and debilitating for some women. It's important to recognize and validate the pain that women experience during their periods.

Myth 3: It's OK to dismiss our feelings when we're on our period

Another common myth is that women's emotions during their periods are not valid or important. But the truth is, hormonal changes during menstruation can impact our mood and emotional well-being. It's essential to acknowledge and support women's feelings during this time.

Myth 4: Hormones define women

There is a misconception that women are solely defined by their hormones, particularly during their periods. But the reality is that women are complex individuals with diverse interests, talents, and characteristics that extend beyond their hormonal fluctuations.

Myth 5: Period blood is dirty blood

Contrary to popular belief, period blood is not dirty or impure. It is a natural bodily function that allows women to shed the lining of their uterus. It's time to debunk the myth that period blood is something to be ashamed of or disgusted by.

Myth 6: Only women get periods

While it is true that the majority of individuals who menstruate are women, it's important to recognize that not all women menstruate, and not all individuals who menstruate identify as women. Menstruation is a natural biological process that occurs in some individuals, regardless of their gender identity.

Myth 7: Periods are a personal issue

Periods are often seen as a private matter that should not be discussed openly. However, this mindset perpetuates shame and stigma around menstruation. It's time to break the silence and start having open and honest conversations about periods.

Myth 8: Periods are shameful

Perhaps one of the most damaging myths about periods is that they are something to be ashamed of. Menstruation is a natural and necessary part of a woman's reproductive system. It's time to celebrate and embrace our periods, rather than feeling embarrassed or ashamed.

Periods are a natural and essential part of life for many women and girls. While there may be challenges associated with menstruation, it's important to remember that they are a sign of strength and resilience. By understanding the facts and dispelling common myths, we can embrace our bodies and celebrate the beauty of womanhood.